Empower Our Future

Clean Energy. Local Control.

Events & Education

Energy: education — inspiration — aspiration

 Empower Hours are offered as part of an educational collaboration with Clean Energy Action.


Tuesday, October 15: Jeremy Nichols

Jeremy is the Senior Advocate at the Center for Biological Diversity. Previously, he was the longtime Climate and Energy Program Director at WildEarth Guardians.

Tuesday, November 19: Jeff Ackerman

Former Chair, Colorado Public Utilities Commission: An Insider’s Perspective and Thoughts on Citizen Impact at the PUC.


Tuesday, September 17: John Farrell of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance: IOUs & Offramps

Known as “the guru of distributed energy” and a leading authority on the downside of investor owned utilities, our September Empower Hour guest is John Farrell of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR). John will touch on Boulder’s 2025 “Offramp” (an option to exit the Xcel franchise) and what taking the offramp might offer in the way of opportunities for local control and cleaner power.

John Farrell is the author of the ILSR report What the Monopoly Utility Model Really Costs Us, which was published in May, 2024. 

Tuesday, July 16: An Informed Look at the CEO Microgrid Roadmap with Dr. Peter Lilienthal

Our July Empower Hour on Tuesday, July 16th was with Peter Lilienthal, Ph.D. who filled us in on the contents of the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) “Microgrid Roadmap”. 

Dr. Lilienthal has been active in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency since 1978. His expertise is in the economic and financial analysis of hybrid renewable and micro-grid projects. At the Empower Hour, Dr. Lilienthal provided an independent, informed review of the Microgrid Roadmap. Draft documents are available on the CEO website. The public may submit comments on the documents until August 1, via the written comment form or by attending a stakeholder engagement meeting (links on the CO Energy Office web page).

Tuesday, June 18 at 6pm: Will We Help? Reduce More Emissions, Faster! Empower Hour with Dr. Ron Sinton

Reducing CO2 in Colorado with flexible demand, using renewables when they are available, would likely result in doing much better, much faster. Will we part of the solution? How do we get there? Join us for a provocative and informative talk from Dr. Ron Sinton, founder of Sinton Instruments, a local solar energy company.

Ron Sinton is a Coloradoan who got his PhD working on high-efficiency silicon solar cells at Stanford, and then became a founding member of the PV company SunPower. Ron then founded Sinton Instruments in 1992, which manufactures electronic equipment in Boulder, CO for the entire international solar-cell manufacturing industry. In recent years, Ron has also worked in modeling 100% renewable systems and has testified as an expert witness for environmental groups at the Colorado PUC advocating for low-cost clean energy.

Primary Candidate Forum Hosted by EOF and PLAN-Boulder

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 from noon to 1:30pm, Boulder Public Library in the Boulder Creek Room. Video will be posted soon.

May 14, 2024: Net Zero Communities with Matt Lehrman

City of BoulderOur May Empower Hour featured guest Matt Lehrman, the City of Boulder’s Senior Policy Advisor for Energy Systems. He discussed what “Zero Emissions Communities (ZEC)” are, how they work and who benefits. ZECs may be a way for customers/communities to close the emissions gap between Xcel’s estimated emissions in 2030 and communities’ zero emissions goals.

Link to the video

Join us for an expert critique of Xcel’s Clean Heat Plan proposal and a discussion on how we can push for a better plan together. Xcel’s proposal will affect Coloradans’ health, safety, finances and future climate, whether it’s your utility or not.

PSR Colorado, the Colorado chapter of Physicians for Social Responsibility, a national organization of health professionals and allies advocating for protection of human health and survival from the gravest environmental threats. 

Lauren Swain is the coordinator for PSR Colorado. Ms. Swain has been working with organizations to strengthen climate, health, and safety policy in Colorado since 2012 and has served on many political campaigns. She earned a BA in filmmaking and psychology University of Denver and an Associate of Applied Science in Paralegal Studies from Arapahoe Community College’s ABA certified program. As a lifelong human rights advocate, Ms. Swain has also produced several multilingual cultural orientation videos for refugee resettlement programs in Colorado and Arizona. 

Dr. Charles (Chuck) Kutscher is a Fellow and Senior Research Associate of the University of Colorado Boulder Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI). Dr. Kutscher spent four decades as a renewable energy researcher and manager at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and was the Director of the Buildings and Thermal Sciences Center when he retired from NREL in July 2018. He is a Past Chair and Fellow of the American Solar Energy Society (ASES) and served as U.S. Representative for the International Energy Agency (IEA) Solar Heating and Cooling Program Task 14, “Advanced Active Solar Energy Systems.”

He is the lead author of the third edition of the college textbook, Principles of Sustainable Energy Systems and is an adjunct professor at the University of Colorado Boulder where he is teaching the course “Sustainable Energy.” Dr. Kutscher has given many presentations on climate change solutions throughout the US and abroad, and he has been involved in several recent climate change projects, including as lead author of the RASEI report, Accelerating the US Clean Energy Transformation (which was summarized in an op-ed in The Hill) and as a contributing author to the 2020 Zero Carbon Action Plan by the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

Dr. Kutscher received a B.S. in physics from the State University of New York at Albany, an M.S. in nuclear engineering from the University of Illinois, and a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Colorado Boulder. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in the states of Colorado and California.


By law, every large gas utility in Colorado must submit a Clean Heat Plan for greenhouse gas emission reduction to the Public Utilities Commission. Xcel’s plan, now under review, is the first and farthest-reaching. The PUC’s ruling on the plan, due in 2024, will affect air pollution, consumer energy bills, and climate policy statewide for years to come. 


Link to Dr. Kutscher’s presentation

Link to Lauren Swain’s presentation

Opinion: Xcel’s Clean Heat Plan is less than meets the eye 
In reality, it is a plan to keep burning natural gas, which only adds to climate-warming emissions
by Chuck Kutscher for the Colorado Sun, August 27, 2023

February 20, 2024 at 6pm: Legislative Outlook Empower Hour

Climate & Energy Legislative Outlook Empower Hour

Join us to hear from legislators about the climate & energy legislation they are working on this session.

January 16, 2024: The first of our 
"New Frontiers of Energy" Empower Hour Series:
What Jet Fuel, 1%, and common sense have to do with 100% Renewable Electricity with Ken Regelson

Ken Regelson will discuss pathways to 100% renewables (that includes storage) and where hydrogen comes into play. He presents in plain English, and provides enough high level information to please the advanced crowd.

Ken has a master’s degree in electrical engineering, along with @24 years of experience in modeling, analysis, and practice of a high renewables grid. For five years, Ken was a policy analyst at the state capitol and Public Utilities Commission representing Colorado’s solar installers. Most recently, Ken been working on key grid-impact questions of high levels of renewablesLink to Ken’s slides.

November 14, 2023: CCE — What's in it for Me (and Colorado)? How Community Choice Powers Millions in the U.S.

Alison Elliott, the Executive Director of LEAN Energy US (Local Energy Aggregation Network), a non-profit dedicated to the accelerated expansion and competitive success of clean energy CCA nationwide.

LEAN advances the vision of a clean energy America in everything they do. Their mission to support the expansion of clean energy CCAs is carried out through initiatives and activities that are both responsive and proactive.  See LEAN’s 2023 white paper on CCE (CCA).

Cody Hooven, Founder /CEO Lupa Affairs. 

Lupa Affairs provides strategic advice and guidance for public policy organizations and initiatives related to climate change, clean energy, and sustainable development.

Previously, Cody was COO of and ‘stood up’ San Diego’s Community Power. She was the former Director of the Sustainability Department and the first Chief Sustainability Officer for the city of San Diego. 

Register to join us for a discussion of Community Choice Energy or CCE: what is is and how it has been implemented across the U.S. and California, in particular.

We will be joined by Alison Elliott, LEAN Executive Director and Cody Hooven, former Director of the Sustainability Department, the first Chief Sustainability Officer for the city of San Diego, and COO of San Diego Community Power.

We will also get a legislator’s perspective from Representative Kyle Brown on the CCE Legislation that will tentatively be introduced in the next session. 

Representative Judy Amabile and former Representative Edie Hooton were invited, but unable to attend. 

Want to learn more about CCA (what they call it in CA) or CCE (what we in Colorado call it)? See our page on this topic.

Climate & Energy Candidate Forums

October 3, 2023: Boulder Mayoral Candidates

Play Video

There were three of four mayoral candidates who were able to attend this Empower Hour: Current Mayor Aaron Brockett, Nicole Speer, and Bob Yates.

The fourth candidate for mayor, Paul Tweedlie, was unable to attend.​

* Need a ranked-choice voting explainer? See this 9/15/23 article from the Boulder Reporting Lab: Ranked-choice voting comes to Boulder: What you need to know ahead of the 2023 election, by John Herrick.

October 10, 2023: Boulder City Council Candidates

The Boulder City Council Candidates in attendance at this Empower Hour were:  Terri Brncic, Jacques Decalo, Waylon Lewis, Tina Marquis, Aaron Neyer, Jenny Robins, Ryan Schuchard, and Tara Winer.

There were two city council candidates who were not able to attend the forum: Taishya Adams and Silas Atkins.

FYI:  In all, 14 people are competing for five open seats, including the position of the city’s first directly elected mayor.

Play Video

September 19, 2023: A Lively Discussion with PSCo (Xcel Colorado) President, Robert Kenney and Leslie Glustrom, Longtime Xcel Watchdog

Watch this video to hear from the president of our investor-owned utility, PSCo (also known as Xcel), talk about key issues with an ardent climate activist and longtime Xcel watchdog. The discussion was civil, and we think, lively, and did not shy away from the issues. 

Press Release for this Empower Hour.

August 8, 2023 — Local Climate Action with a Global Reach: Susie Strife of the Boulder County Office of Sustainability, Climate Action & Resilience (OSCAR)

Susie Strife leads the county’s Office of Sustainability, Climate Action & Resilience, providing direction on policies and program implementation for internal and external sustainability activities while managing planning efforts and budgets. She also serves as the key liaison to other county agencies to support existing projects and guide the county towards a more sustainable future.

OSCAR Resources

OSCAR’s 2023 update to the Boulder County Environmental Sustainability Plan

Video—Effort we now have to do in response to climate chaos: includes Marshall Fire footage

How OSCAR is seed funding innovation: Restore Colorado video  |   Climate Innovation Fund recipient: Biochar Now Instagram video

July 11, 2023: The Electrifying Opportunity of Microgrids! with Cameron Brooks of Think Microgrid

Boulder-based Cameron Brooks is the Executive Director of Think Microgrid, a coalition representing the microgrid industry in policy, legislative and regulatory discussions taking place in D.C., and at the state level. He is the President of E9 Insight, a research firm focused on the US utility industry and policy, as well as the founder of Tolerable Planet Enterprises, an advisory firm that includes a focus on developing coalitions for distributed energy technologies and open markets.

June 13, 2023: Passive House to the People

Local Passive House Events

Passive House Open Days will be occurring June 23-25. 

The Ice Box Challenge will be occurring in Fort Collins July 1-15 with the primary event occurring on the 15th at 222 Laporte Avenue. The next occurrence will be in Louisville July 28 – August 11 with the location still being finalized. The last occurrence will be in Denver September 9-23 at Union Station.

The Passive House Network National Conference will be online September 28 and then also in person in Denver Oct 4-5.

Passive House principles can be used to drastically lower energy use in buildings, as well as create a comfortable, healthy indoor environment for those inside.  Greg D. Fisher, Architect, is the founder of an award-winning firm established in 1993. His practice focuses on simple, progressive, authentic and responsible designs. In 2019/20, Greg took a sabbatical to design and personally build one of the first Passive House Institute certified homes in Northern Colorado.

Passive House is the world’s most rigorous energy efficiency building standard. What makes it different from other energy efficiency models is that Passive House focuses on occupant comfort and health first and it is this focus that drives everything else, including energy efficiency, resiliency, healthy indoor air, and reduced carbon emissions. This talk will describe the 5 principles of Passive House and how it can be used to drastically lower energy use in buildings, as well as create a comfortable, healthy indoor environment for those inside. Passive House methods can be used for any type of building project, including renovations and upgrades. 

May 16, 2023: Legislative Wrap-Up

We heard from Senator Steve Fenberg, Senator Cleave Simpson, and Representatives Judy Amabile and Kyle Brown about the energy & environmental legislation they sponsored this session.

April 11, 2023: Elisa Wood of Microgrid Knowledge

Elisa Wood is an award-winning writer and editor who specializes in the energy industry. She is chief editor and co-founder of Microgrid Knowledge, a  publication providing news on microgrids and distributed energy resources. She will talk about one of her favorite topics:  how microgrids can alleviate the need for transmission.

Elisa also co-founded RealEnergyWriters.com, where she continues to lead a team of energy writers who produce content for energy companies and advocacy organizations.

March 21, 2023: An Exploration of CO2 Injection & Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage with Morey Wolfson

We look forward to hearing from at least one energy expert on the promise of Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage (CCUS) and the practice of CO2 Injection — boondoggle or an important part of the arsenal to fight climate change? We have invited experts with differing views on the topic. 

Our confirmed speaker, Morey Wolfson, a fourth generation Denverite, worked for the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and the Colorado Governor’s Energy Office.

About Morey Wolfson

Morey earned his Master’s Degree in Urban and Regional Planning / Community Development in the College of Environmental Design at the University of Colorado.

He has been engaged in energy and environmental policy development for 53 years. Starting his career organizing the nation’s third largest Earth Day event, in Denver, on April 22 1970, he has served in a variety of capacities, including fifteen years as the Executive Assistant to the Colorado Public Utilities Commissioners, five years at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and five years as a Senior Energy Policy Advisor at the Colorado Governor’s Energy Office.

After 10 years pursuing environmental challenges in Southern California, Morey returned to Colorado in November 2021, where he closely follows water, energy, and climate policy issues.

Related Colorado Startup Links

Prometheus Materials – (Longmont) Use cyanobacteria to absorb CO2 and then sequester long term in building materials 

Travertine – Combine carbon dioxide and mine waste to produce carbonate minerals 

Biochar Now – Use organic matter like dead trees to sequester carbon in a specially made charcoal that can be used as a soil amendment among other uses.

January 31, 2023: Energy & Environment Legislative Update with Senators Steve Fenberg and Lisa Cutter, and Representative Judy Amabile

Thanks to Senator Steve Fenberg, Senator Lisa Cutter, and Representative Judy Amabile for providing an overview about energy & environmental legislation they are sponsoring this session.

Judy Amabile (D) represents District 49, Boulder


Lisa Cutter (D) represents District 20, Jefferson County


CO State Senate President, Steve Fenberg (D) represents District 18, Boulder. 

While previous notice of this event included Sen. Cleve Simpson, unfortunately, he was not able to join us.

December 6, 2022: Show Fossil Fuels the Door! Heat and Cool Your Home Renewably and Get Off Natural Gas Cost-Effectively.

Ken Regelson clarified the process of getting off fossil fuels and options for doing so, in plain English, with enough high level information to please the advanced crowd.

Ken speaks on energy in clear and engaging ways to audiences with all experience levels – energy nerds to regular folk. He has a master’s degree in electrical engineering, along with 22 years of experience in modeling, analysis, and practice of a high renewables grid. For five years, Ken was a policy analyst at the state capitol and Public Utilities Commission representing Colorado’s solar installers. Over the last few years, Ken has had up to 5 interns working on key grid-impact questions of high levels of renewables. He has given dozens of technical and general audience talks.

November 15, 2022 — Utility Bills Going Up? How About Some Competition? Bringing Community Choice Energy (CCE) to CO!

Leslie Glustrom and Steve Whitaker discuss what CCE is and how it could bring competition (and more RE and lower rates) to the wholesale electricity sector in Colorado.

For additional information about CCE, see our CCE page. We also encourage you to check out the 7/21/22 Empower Hour with Geoff Syphers, who discusses how CCE (they call it CCA) works in Sonoma County California. Scroll farther down this page or go directly to the video here.

October 11, 2022 — Boulder Mayor Aaron Brockett

Boulder Mayor, Aaron Brockett, discusses the city’s climate initiatives and the council’s priorities, including what he personally will take leadership on, locally, and via the council’s legislative agenda. 


Listen to the NPR story about BlocPower’s work to modernize buildings nationwide and transition them to clean energy sources (47 minutes).

City of Ithaca, NY Signs Contract with BlocPower to “Green” Entire City, First Large-Scale City Electrification Initiative in the U.S.

September 20, 2022 — Renewable Energy and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA): What's In It For Us/CO?

Katie Kienbaum, Senior Researcher with the Institute for Local Self Reliance’s Energy Democracy initiative, will cover what we can expect from the just-passed IRA. At ILSR, Katie researches and writes about equitable and decentralized clean energy and its impact on communities across the country. Before joining the Energy Democracy initiative, she was a Research Associate with the Community Broadband Networks initiative.

From Katie (post Empower Hour)

EV Tax Credit
The IRS has published initial guidance on the new law’s impact on the EV tax credit, mainly covering the North America final assembly requirement which has already come into effect. The Dept. of Energy has also published a list of vehicles that may qualify as assembled in North America and a VIN checker tool. Going forward, the Treasury Dept./the IRS will release additional guidance on the battery component and mineral content sourcing requirements (as well as the income limits and other eligibility guidelines) that begin to take effect in 2023 — we have to wait for that to know for sure which vehicles would qualify for the credit in 2023 and beyond. This brief explainer on the EV tax credit from the Congressional Research Service is very helpful and lays out which provisions take effect when.

Clean Electricity/Solar Investment Tax Credit – Domestic Content Bonus Credit
The bonus tax credit for domestic content available for commercial clean energy investments — like solar farms and rooftop solar on businesses — will award an additional tax credit worth up to 10% of a project’s cost. To get the new bonus credit, projects have to domestically source 100% of iron/steel and 40-55% of manufactured components, depending on the year. (Percentage requirements are lower for offshore wind projects, though.) *As a reminder, this is not available to residential projects, like rooftop solar panels on a home, and it is not required to access the base tax credit.*

New Home Efficiency Incentives
The top of this Rewiring America article includes a good overview of some of the energy efficiency tax credits and rebates for new/existing homes and commercial properties. There’s more information on the programs for new buildings here (from a consulting firm).

Environmental Justice Programs
For more on programs that can benefit environmental justice communities, here’s the Senate Democrats’ overview of relevant programs and an article with some commentary/criticism of the bill from environmental justice advocates.

Related Resources


August 16, 2022 Empower Hour:
What’s at Stake: CU’s Proposed Development at CU South 

Our August 16th Empower Hour features information for citizens to help them make an informed decision this fall. Members of the Repeal CU South Annexation campaign (repealcusouth.org) will present their perspective on the November ballot issue. 


Gordon McCurry, Ph.D  Hydrology, Principal Hydrologist at McCurry Hydrology, LLC. Link to slides

Renée Millard-ChaconDiné/Mexica/Filipina, Co Founder/ Executive Director of Womxn from the Mountain, Environmental Justice Action Taskforce, Co-Chair of Equity Analysis Subcommittee CDPHE. Link to slides

Steven Telleen, Ph.D. Environmental Biology – President, Southeast Boulder Neighborhood Association (SEBNA)Link to slides

A thoughtful observer and analyst, Richard Valenty has been around Boulder for a long time—as a journalist and as an aide to former Senator Rollie Heath. Read his take on ballot measure 2F.

July 21, 2022 Empower Hour:
Geof Syphers of Sonoma Clean Power

Lessons from CA for Community Choice Energy in Colorado

In 2002 California communities passed Assembly Bill 117, the “Community Choice Aggregation Law”, allowing local governments to purchase electricity on behalf of their communities. Sonoma Clean Power (SCP) was formed to provide a choice beyond a for-profit, investor-owned utility (PG&E).

Today SCP is a model for community choice programs throughout California. By providing higher percentages of renewable energy that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, Sonoma Clean Power customers help solve the climate crisis at a local level.

This talk presented by SCP CEO, Geof Syphers will cover SCP’s hand’s-on start up of Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) to accelerate renewables and incorporate sharing Community Benefits. 

Sonoma Clean Power’s experience can provide valuable insight and lessons learned for how best to move forward with Community Choice Energy here in Colorado. 

Join us to learn how CCAs are essential for financing climate mitigation and adaptation efforts and what ‘community benefits’ can mean. In Sonoma, this community benefit manifests as an Advanced Energy Rebuild program, the Advanced Energy Center, a Geothermal Opportunity Zone, GridSavvy, Bike Electric, EV charging, and procuring storage. 

June 16, 2022 Empower Hour:
City of Boulder Climate Initiatives Department

Our June 16th Empower Hour features the City of Boulder’s Interim Director of Climate Initiatives, Jonathan Koehn and Energy Manager, Carolyn Elam. They’ll discuss some of the city’s climate strategy, next stage of work for decarbonizing energy systems and a potential November ballot measure to simplify and extend funding for climate work.  In addition, we heard from Rella Abernathy, Yael Gichon, Jamie Harkins, and Matt Lehrman about several city programs related to climate strategy.

Questions received during the Empower Hour that were not addressed are answered in this pdf

These City representatives are interested in feedback — come prepared with ideas and strategies the city should consider if the tax is approved. 

May 12, 2022 Empower Hour:
Boulder County Commissioner Candidate Forum

Join us as we welcome Boulder County District 3 Commissioner Candidates Elaina Shively and Ashley Stolzmann, who are running to fill outgoing Commissioner Matt Jones’ seat. Via this virtual event, we’ll learn about the candidates and what their priorities as a Boulder County Commissioner would be. We are collating the community’s climate and energy questions for the candidates, and will include them.

The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) consists of three individuals elected to serve four-year terms as leaders of the Boulder County government. All three commissioners are elected at-large by the voters of Boulder County and represent the county as a whole.

The primary election date is June 28, 2022. 

Qualified residents may register to vote up to and including Election Day. However, in order to receive a ballot in the mail, the Boulder County Clerk & Recorder’s office must receive your voter registration no later than 8 days before the election. If you register after this time, you must visit a Vote Center in order to vote.  The Secretary of State has a voter registration Frequently Asked Questions page.

We plan to ask the candidates about the climate and energy issues that matter to you.  We will ask the candidates questions about climate and energy, submitted by the community. Thanks to all who asked a question!

Thank You Event Affiliates:

•  350 Boulder County  •  Clean Energy Action  •  GreenLatinos

The Candidates

Elaina Shively
Ashley Stolzmann

April 21, 2022 Empower Hour:
SUNCOR REFINERY UPDATE with Olga Gonzalez of Cultivando

Olga Gonzalez, Executive Director of Cultivando, gave an update on A.I.R.E. and the situation at Suncor.  A.I.R.E. (Air Quality Investigation and Research for Equity) is a year-long community-based research project to bring awareness, education, unity, and action around poor air quality due to toxic air pollution from Suncor.  

Olga was joined by Phil Doe, Environmental Director at Be The Change.

The Suncor oil refinery in Denver processes dirty tar sands and generates massive amounts of greenhouse gasses and other pollutants, including VOC’s, particulates, hydrogen cyanide, and sulfur dioxide.

And, the refinery has been operating for years on expired permits. This, plus Suncor’s malfunctions (that have sent clouds of orange smoke and ash over the neighborhood nearby), have made the refinery into a symbol of environmental injustice.

We encourage you to view a short film made about the situation with SunCor called Suncor Sundown.

Listen to KGNU’s interview of Olga Gonzalez by Rossana Longo-Better

Related commentary by Phil Doe:

What's So Super About Super Caps? • March 17, 2022 with Supercapacitor expert Todd Pistorese

Starting with ‘SuperCaps 101’, Todd will explain these advanced energy-storage systems (as an alternative to chemical batteries) characterized by:

  • a very long life span  
  • high charge density | high power density
  • rapid recovery and recharge potential
  • greater safety

SuperCap technology is now being implemented by many types of customers — industrial, commercial, residential, remote resort, telecommunication and mass-transit, due to the low-maintenance, extreme weather tolerance and attractive levelized cost of energy (LCOE). SuperCaps are non-toxic, recyclable, renewable energy compatible and facilitate both utility-scale and micro-grid and residential Time of Renewables. Bring your questions and learn more about these advantageous energy storage systems

About Our Speaker: Todd Pistorese is Chief Technology Officer and co-founder of Supercapacitor Energy, LLC. Before forming Supercapacitor Energy, Todd held the position of Managing Director, Asia Pacific for OSIsoft, LLC a Bay Area based IT company. Other roles at OSIsoft include Municipal Power Director and Utility Business Development Manager where he developed and oversaw the T&D and Power Generation business sectors, a $200 million annual revenue base for OSIsoft. Todd’s 36-year career includes in-depth electric utility experience at Puget Sound Energy in T&D Operations, Information Technology for Operations, and Integrated Resource Planning. Todd also founded and continues to lead Intelligent Design Solar, LLC an Edge-of-Network, Cloud computing company focused on Distributed Energy Resource management solutions.

Todd has authored numerous technical articles published in national energy journals and presented at conferences including Distributech, PowerGen, Solar Power International, and Solar Power World Online.

Todd holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from University of Washington and an MBA from the University of Puget Sound. He is co-inventor and US Patent holder for Automated Electric Plat Design an Artificial Intelligence and Geographic Information System electric distribution design tool.

Bonus Video: Super Capacitors In Action

Ron Sinton: All Electricity customers (especially EV owners) can enable low-cost clean power. Will they? • January 20, 2022

For grids moving towards clean energy, customers can play an important role in accelerating the transition by literally demanding clean energy. With high levels of wind and solar, the power supply on the electrical grid begins to swing between clean and dirty energy depending on night and day for PV, and wind speed at all times of night and day for wind power. This talk will look in detail at historical Colorado wind and solar data and project renewable trends out to 2030. I will show optimal strategies for everyone; individuals, government, and companies, to preferentially use clean energy and energy efficiency to create a flexible electricity demand profile that can be met with the highest possible level renewables at the lowest possible cost–in the near term. This talk will be both aspirational and pragmatic, with proven solutions but also a more radical proposal to use an understanding of renewables in order to use power as if the clean-power grid that we want exists, in order to proactively pull it into reality.

About Ron Sinton: Ron is a Coloradoan that spent a bit of time in California working on a PhD on high-efficiency silicon solar cells at Stanford, followed by becoming a founding member of the PV company SunPower. After starting his own manufacturing company, Sinton Instruments, that exports electronic equipment used in solar-cell manufacturing, Ron moved the company to Boulder, CO. In recent years, he has also worked in the modeling of clean-energy systems with a particular interest in following the progress of the local utility, Xcel, in detail. This experience has allowed him to serve as a bit of a “bridge” between the technical specialists in his original field of research (PV R&D) and the quite different details of how decisions to use PV and wind are made at the utility scale through the process involving utilities, politicians, and regulators. He has taken a role as moderator in the technical conference in the sessions on the drive towards 100% renewables. He remains a bit of a PV-industry insider providing equipment to nearly every company worldwide that makes silicon solar cells worldwide. He also tinkers with EVs and PV arrays.


Thanks to everyone who testified at the Colorado Public Utility Commissioners’ Electric Resource Plan Remote Comment Public Hearing on Dec. 2, 2021.

EcoCycle on the Role of Zero Waste as a Climate Solution • December 9, 2021

Watch the video for numerous ways you can make a difference. And, visit EcoCycle.org for additional information, including the 2021 Eco-Cycle Holiday Guide.

Zero Waste is one of the quickest, easiest and most effective first steps for a community to immediately reduce its GHG emissions.  Zan Jones, Executive Director of EcoCycle, along with Rosie Briggs, Community Education & Engagement Manager/Eco-Leaders Network Manager, discuss where we are, where we need to go, and how to get there.  

At this Empower Hour Zan shared an exciting announcement:  EcoCycle’s first all electric compost collection truck should be on the street, soon!

Suzanne (Zan) Jones is the executive director of Eco-Cycle, a 42-year-old community nonprofit that promotes and implements recycling, composting, and other zero-waste solutions. Jones has over 25 years of public policy experience at the local, state, and federal levels focused on environmental conservation change. She was the central Rockies regional director for The Wilderness Society for 16 years, and, before moving back to Colorado where she spent much of her youth, she worked at the National Wildlife Federation and as congressional staff for the Fisheries and Wildlife Subcommittee in the US House of Representatives. Zan served on Boulder City Council from November 2011-2019 and was the mayor of Boulder, CO, for the last four years of her Council term. 

Boulder Reporting Lab article on Eco-Cycle and interview with Zan Jones.

John Farrell, Co-Director, Institute for Local Self Reliance on Energy Democracy • November 11, 2021

John Farrell is a co-director of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance and directs the Energy Democracy Initiative. Widely known as the guru of distributed energy, John has received accolades for his vivid illustrations of the economic and environmental benefits of local ownership of decentralized renewable energy. He hosts the Local Energy Rules podcast, telling powerful stories of local clean energy action, and frequently discusses the ownership and scale of the energy system on Twitter, @johnffarrell. 

John authored Energy Self-Reliant States, a state-by-state atlas of renewable energy potential highlighted in the New York Times, showing that most states don’t need to look outside their borders to meet their electricity needs. He’s also written extensively on the economic advantages of Democratizing the Electricity System and community renewable energy, published a rich interactive map on solar grid parity, and polished the policies (like Minnesota’s solar energy standard) necessary to support locally owned renewable energy development. 

Farrell was integral in working with XCEL Minnesota, State of Minnesota, and others on the seminal Value of Solar study and also highly instrumental in making Minnesota the U.S. leader in community solar! 

John provides data-rich presentations on local renewable energy for the common citizen across the glove. John’s work appears most regularly on Energy Self-Reliant States, a blog with timely and compelling analysis of current energy discussions and policy. 

Climate & Energy Forums with Boulder City Council Candidates: October 7, 2021 & October 11, 2021

Note, while Empower Hours are usually 60 minutes, the Candidate Forums will be 90 minutes each, due to the number of candidates running.

Thursday October 7, 2021
Matt Benjamin
Lauren Folkerts
David Takahashi
Dan Williams
Steven Rosenblum

Monday October 11, 2021
Nicole Speer
Mark Wallach
Michael Christy
Tara Winer
Jacques Decalo 

Dr. Peter Lilienthal: What's Up with Microgrids
Thursday, August 12, 2021

Microgrids are frequently mentioned in relation to renewable energy, but what exactly are they? Join us to learn the answer, hear a brief history of microgrids, how they are used around the globe, and how they might be utilized in Colorado communities.

ABOUT THE PRESENTER: Dr. Peter Lilienthal is Global Microgrid Lead for UL, LLC. Previously, he was the CEO of HOMER Energy. Since 1992, he has been the developer of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s HOMER® hybrid power optimization software, which has been used by over 250,000 energy practitioners in 193 countries. NREL licensed HOMER Energy to be the sole world-wide commercialization licensee to distribute and enhance the HOMER model.

Dr. Lilienthal was the Senior Economist with International Programs at NREL from 1990 – 2007. He was one of the creators of NREL’s Village Power Program. He has a Ph.D. in Management Science and Engineering from Stanford University. He has been active in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency since 1978. This has included designing and teaching courses at the university level, project development of independent power projects, and consulting to industry and regulators. His expertise is in the economic and financial analysis of renewable and micro-grid projects.

View Dr. Lilienthal’s PPT slides (pdf) here.  

See the Hot Topics page for more about microgrids.

Chris Hoffman on National Legislation: May 19, 2021

Powering America Forward to Clean Energy

A carbon price is the single most powerful tool available to reduce America’s carbon pollution. The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act puts a fee on carbon pollution, creating a level playing field for clean energy. The money collected from fossil fuel companies goes to Americans in the form of a monthly ‘carbon cash back’ payment so that everyone can afford the transition.

ABOUT THE PRESENTER:  Chris Hoffman, M.B.A., M.Ed. is a retired management consultant and counselor with 23 years’ experience in the utility industry as well as additional consulting experience in other industries, plus five years’ experience in mental health counseling with various agencies. He is the author of an ecopsychology book, several professional articles, and three books of poetry.  He currently devotes most of his time to volunteer work for an equitable and thriving future with a livable climate. Chris has been an active volunteer with Empower Our Future (formerly RenewablesYES) since 2011, and with Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) since 2013.  For four years Chris was CCL’s liaison to Senator Michael Bennet.

April 28, 2021: Energy Expert, Ken Regelson — Making Miles While the Sun Shines

Why charging EVs for cheap is good for everyone’s electric bill.

Ken Regelson speaks on energy in clear and engaging ways to audiences of all experience levels – energy nerds to regular folk. He has a master’s degree in electrical engineering, along with 21 years of experience in modeling and analysis of an energy grid based primarily on renewables. For five years, Ken was a policy analyst at the state capitol and Public Utilities Commission representing Colorado’s solar installers. For much of last year, Ken had five interns working on key grid-impact questions of high levels of renewables and energy policy.  Slides are here.

Resources from Ken & EnergyShouldBe.org 

• Talk to Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists – Members in Transition. 4/15/21. What is Driving the Energy Transition? Climate, cost, and competition.

• A 2 minute guide to electric car charging on YouTube

• EnergyShouldBe.org intern Kirya Miller’s 20 minute video gets into detail on modeling Alternatives to New Natural Gas Generation for Platte River Power Authority (PRPA) based specifically on several months of modeling dark calms using PRPA data. Note: we are using PRPA data with permission. We have no professional relationship with PRPA.

• A 7-minute summary version of the next video: Alternatives to New Natural Gas Generation for Platte River Power Authority

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Thanks to CEA for a great evening on March 31!

CEA 15th Anniversary Celebration & Sneak Peak at Xcel’s Energy Resource Plan. Video will be posted soon.

March 18, 2021: CCE Deep Dive with Rep. Hooton and Larry Miloshevich

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Community Choice Energy (CCE) allows communities to choose alternative wholesale electricity suppliers, while the utility continues to deliver the electricity and manage customer service and billing. CCE has good potential for faster progress on climate change and more competitive rates. Subject matter expert, Larry Miloshevich, was on hand to answer questions.

February 11, 2021: Virtual Energy and Environment Town Hall with Senator Fenberg and Reps. Hooton and Amabile

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The second of our “Empower Hour” series, this was our first legislative preview of the 2021 session! Thanks to Senator Fenberg, Rep. Hooton, and Rep. Amabile. The legislators spoke about the energy and environmental priorities for the Seventy-third General Assembly — and that important energy legislation is forthcoming!

January 28, 2021: Holy Cross Energy and Their Journey to 100% Renewables

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We had a great conversation with Holy Cross Energy Team Members Bryan Hannegan, President and CEO and Steve Beuning, Vice President, Power Supply and Programs

In December 2020, Holy Cross Energy (serving areas around Aspen, Vail and Glenwood Springs) announced that they would go to 100% renewable electricity by 2030. It was terrific to hear about their successes and challenges.