Empower Our Future

Clean Energy. Local Control.

Pueblo Unit 3* is typically Colorado's
largest single emitter of carbon dioxide.

The good news:
Pueblo 3 has frequently been offline/unable to generate electricity for a cumulative two years since 2010. Xcel has stated the plant is not needed in terms of system reliability.

The bad news:
Colorado Xcel customers are paying over $100 million/year to keep the coal plant generating profits for Xcel whether it is working or not.

*Pueblo 3 is how we refer to Xcel’s “Commanche 3” as we assume Native Americans would not want to have a dirty power plant named after them.

TAKE ACTION: Demand the Closure of Pueblo 3!

Join us in calling for Xcel Energy to "Pull the Plug on Pueblo 3", i.e., demand early retirement of Xcel's fossil fuel plants, specifically the Pueblo 3 Coal Unit, ASAP!

Please submit comments to by email to the Xcel Board of Directors: boardofdirectors@xcelenergy.com.

Don't Fix it! PULL THE PLUG on PUEBLO 3!

Pueblo 3 Should Not Be Paid For By Ratepayers

Xcel customers are paying over $100 million/year to keep the Pueblo 3 plant generating profits for Xcel whether it is working or not.

PSCo, Xcel’s Colorado subsidiary, reported 2021 after-tax profits were $660 million

How is it that a monopoly with no competition is able to make a bad decision, pass the cost onto ratepayers and still reap obscene profits? 

Pueblo 3 Should Never Have Been Built

The dangers of burning fossil fuels and the awareness of the looming climate crisis was well-documented in the early 2000s when Xcel conceived of this huge capital expenditure.

A 2009 report by Leslie Glustrom describes this as Colorado’s Billion Dollar Mistake.

So why did they build Pueblo 3? Because that is How Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs) Make Money.

Pull the Plug on Pueblo 3:

  • Pueblo 3 has been unable to generate electricity for a cumulative two years since it started in 2010. 
  • Xcel customers pay over $100 million/year to keep the coal-fired plant generating profits for Xcel — working or not. 

When fully operating, Pueblo 3:

  • has emitted CO2 / year equivalent to 1,000,000 passenger vehicles
  • uses 4.9 million gallons of water per day
  • is permitted to emit about 2 lbs. mercury per week + other toxins
  • was fined by EPA for non-compliance of toxic coal ash management
  • is more expensive than clean renewables

PULL THE PLUG on PUEBLO 3, don’t repair or bring it back online!

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Pueblo 3 in the News

TAKE ACTION: Demand the Closure of Pueblo 3

Submit comments via email to the Xcel Board of Directors: boardofdirectors@xcelenergy.com.